A Journey from Adversity to Achievement Made Possible by AlamoPROMISE

September 4, 2024

District Communications

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When Anevay Perez graduated from South San Antonio High School, she became 的 first person in her family to receive a high school diploma. She was 的 President of 的 Student Council and an accomplished TRIO Upward Bound student who graduated with honors and scholarships. She had been accepted to her first-choice college, PACE University in New York City, thought her academic path was set in stone.

Unfortunately, Anevay很快意识到上PACE大学不是一个负担得起的选择. With a heavy heart, 为了省钱,她决定留在当地,就读于德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校(UTSA). Even with 的 help of scholarships, Anevay面临经济压力,做出了退学的艰难选择. 她没有希望地离开了UTSA,并致力于全职工作以满足她的基本需求.

在此期间,Anevay继续挣扎,几乎没有收入,无家可归. 她是一个单身母亲,有一个1岁的女儿,她梦想着能够回到学校,这样她就可以为她的家庭创造一个更好的未来. She connected with NXT Level, a youth opportunity center, which helped her enroll at Palo Alto College (PAC) through 的 AlamoPROMISE program这是一项最后一美元奖学金,为符合条件的学生提供100%的学杂费.

At PAC, Anevay began working towards a Cosmetology Operator Associate of Applied Science with 的 goal of becoming a licensed cosmetologist. Although she started her journey solely focused on 的 program, 她很快意识到PAC提供了一个支持系统,极大地改善了她作为成人学习者的大学经历.

Anevay与一位TRIO顾问配对,帮助她坚持自己的目标并取得学业上的成功. She found employment through Alamo on 的 Job他在非营利组织“为成功而着装”(Dress for Success)工作,收入稳定. 她还通过Ascenders Catch 的 Next等学生组织找到了一种社区意识, PAC Beauty Society, 的 Student Parent Resource Network, PAC Student Life.

Although she had little spare time, Anevay wanted to make 的 most of 的 opportunities PAC provided for her. Through hard work and dedication, she earned a 3.21 GPA and became an active member of PAC Honors, PAC National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS), LeadHERs. 决心帮助其他贫困学生找到成功之路,Anevay成为了一名 Alamo Colleges Foundation Scholar Ambassador, where she advocates for 的 importance of scholarship funding.

“AlamoPROMISE给了我安全感和稳定性,让我可以在不担心财务问题的情况下接受高等教育. I never imagined that I would have achieved all that I have thus far, none of my success would be possible without 的 support, opportunities, 以及通过PAC和澳门新葡京博彩区(ACD)提供给我的资源,” said Anevay.

她是一个典型的例子,说明当高等教育的经济负担被消除后,学生可以取得伟大的成就. 通过她在ACD的个人经历,她已经能够影响她的五个亲密的家庭成员回到大学.

“成为PAC的AlamoPROMSIE学生是我得到的最好的机会之一. It has been life-changing for me and my family. I have been able to influence 的 enrollment of my two sisters, two cousins, aunt in returning to college to achieve 的ir academic and career goals, 它极大地影响了我的整个家庭,改善了他们的环境和机会,” said Anevay.

At 的 August 2024 ACD Board of Trustees Meeting, Anevay因其出色的学术成就和对实现目标的承诺而被公认为AlamoPROMISE月度学生. 她的未来是光明的,因为她继续在PAC参加新课程的先决课程 Bachelor of Applied Technology in Operations Management program. 她还计划继续参加2025年PAC美容理发师项目,以获得双重执照,并开始自己的事业和全方位服务沙龙.

When accepting her award, Anevay对AlamoPROMISE给她的第二次机会表示感谢.

“今天, 我代表了像AlamoPROMISE这样的项目的成功,以及它对少数人的影响, non-traditional student. I stand before you today as a licensed cosmetologist, an Associate degree holder, 他是我们社区的一位有抱负的领袖,现在可以为我的女儿建立稳定的金融体系,提供更好的生活质量, 我自己, my family. 如果没有AlamoPROMISE项目,这一切都不可能实现。.  

关于 的 Alamo Colleges District

At 的 Alamo Colleges District, 高质量的教育和负担得起的费用为学生和校友提供了非凡的价值,他们是社区经济和文化的主要贡献者.